COVID-19 at Zena

We are working hard to protect our employees and customers from COVID-19. These are the steps we have implemented to stop the spread of disease:

  • Maintaining distance. Since we work with 6’ and 8’ boards, we have a certain amount of social distance built in to our operation. We are being extra careful to maintain these distances.

  • Mandatory handwashing. All employees are required to wash their hands at various set points of the day.

  • Face masks. All employees are required to wear masks when working together.

  • Disinfecting regimen. Shared tools now have designated users and are cleaned at least daily.

Requirements for visitors

Visitors to the mill also have a role to play in our efforts to adapt to the pandemic. All visitors are expected to follow these guidelines:

  • Make an appointment. You must call ahead and clear a time to come to the mill. This will help us put what you need in an open area and will also save you from waiting while we pull the wood you’re looking for.

  • Wear a mask or maintain distance. We’re wearing masks and we ask that you do, too. If you don’t wear a mask, please maintain at least 8 feet from all Zena employees.

If you are unable to meet these requirements, please stay at home now and visit us once this crisis has passed.

If you are imunocompromised/at risk. Talk to us! We are happy to find creative solutions to get you the lumber you need without putting your health at risk. For example, we can take payment by phone and pull lumber for you so you don’t have to get within 6 feet of anyone.

Or, ask about delivery.

Thank you for your help getting through this challenging time.